2022 Vol. 40, No. 1

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Propagation Mechanism of Safety Risk During Take-off and Landing of Amphibious Seaplanes Based on D-SEIRS Model
2022, 40(1): 1-9. doi: 10.3963/j.jssn.1674-4861.2022.01.001
Abstract(1016) HTML (553) PDF(89)
It is of great importance to study the safety risk of amphibious seaplanes during their take-off and landing, since accidents occur frequently in these two phases. Based on the SEIRS model for disease transmission, considering the propagation and delay mechanism on safety risk of amphibious seaplane during take-off and landing, a risk propagation delay(D-SEIRS)model based on a scale-free network is developed to study the propagation mechanism of safety risk during the take-off and landing of amphibious seaplanes. The Routh-Hurwitz Criterion is used to analyze the stability of the equilibrium in the proposed model and solve for the steady-state density(SSD)and basic regeneration number of the proposed model. A numeric simulation based on the MATLAB software is performed using the proposed model, which discloses the dynamic propagation law of the safety risk during the take-off and landing of amphibious seaplanes. Study results show that both the effective propagation rate(EPR) and the propagation delay time(PDT)can lead to the increase of the steady-state density of the infected nodes of the network; the propagation delay can reduce the risk propagation threshold in the network and accelerate the emerging of risk outbreak state; the propagation rates of both latent nodes and infected nodes will lead to an increase in the steady-state density of infected nodes and latent nodes, and the effective propagation rate of latent nodes has a more prominent impact on risk propagation over the network than that of the infected nodes.
An Impact Analysis of the Proportion of Adaptive Cruise Control Vehicles on the Safety of Mixed Traffic Flow at the Off-ramp Diverging Area
YI Zhenpeng, LI Wei, SHI Baixi, WANG Baojie
2022, 40(1): 10-18. doi: 10.3963/j.jssn.1674-4861.2022.01.002
Abstract(1467) HTML (787) PDF(92)
Based on the analyses of driving behavior of manually operated, adaptive cruise control(ACC), and cooperative adaptive cruise control(CACC)vehicles, this paper investigates the impact of proportion of CACC vehicles on the safety of mixed-traffic-flow at off-ramp diverging areas in a simulated environment, which is established based on a car-following model and a lane-changing model. Specifically, a full velocity difference model, an ACC car-following model and a CACC car-following model are used as the longitudinal car-following models for manually operated, ACC, and CACC vehicles, respectively. A discretionary lane-changing model and a mandatory lane-changing model are customized to develop the lateral lane-changing model for all types of vehicles at the main and end sections of off-ramp diverging areas, respectively. Next, a set of evaluation indices for traffic safety are proposed based on the following parameters such as time-to-collision(TTC), time exposed time-to-collision(TET) and time integrated time-to-collision(TIT). The MATLAB software is used to analyze the safety for mixed traffic flows under the scenarios with different proportions of CACC vehicles. The results show that: when the proportion of CACC vehicles ranges between 40% and 50%, the safety of mixed traffic flow deteriorates most, TET and TIT increase by about 68% and 89%, respectively, and the speed dispersion coefficient is as large as more than 0.9. Study results also indicate that the risk of rear-end collision for mixed traffic flow can be effectively reduced by adding the mandatory lane-changing area(≤ 1 000 m)at the far-end of off-ramp diverging area.
A Study on the Correlation Between Vehicle Control Behaviors and Rear-end Collision Risk under Foggy Conditions
XUE Qingwan, XU Jiawei, YAN Xuedong, XIANG Wang, LI Yinghong, DU Zhigang
2022, 40(1): 19-27. doi: 10.3963/j.jssn.1674-4861.2022.01.003
Abstract(1346) HTML (841) PDF(72)
In order to analyze the characteristics of vehicle control behaviors and study its relationship with rear-end collision risk under foggy conditions, a driving simulationexperiment is conducted, and corresponding behaviors under foggy weather is compared with that under good visibility using ANONA and mixed-effect regression model. Further, the relationship between vehicle control behavior and rear-end collision risk is investigated by correlation analysis and a binary logistic regression model. The results show that the standard deviations of lane departure under foggy conditions are 20.8% higher than that under good visibility conditions, indicates poor vehicle control of drivers under foggy conditions. Besides, drivers prefer to keep shorter time headway, in order to maintain a good vision to the vehicles in front under foggy weather. It is also found that, during the process of avoiding rear-end collision, average deceleration underfoggy weather is 1.1 times of that under good weather. Moreover, study results show that the average minimum time headway under foggy conditions is 0.475 s shorter than that undergood visibility conditions, which results in the rear-end collision risk increases by 4.93 times.
An Analysis of Factors Influencing Freeway Crashes with a Negative Binomial Model
CHEN Zhaoming, XU Wenyuan
2022, 40(1): 28-35. doi: 10.3963/j.jssn.1674-4861.2022.01.004
Abstract(1319) HTML (553) PDF(115)
In this study, a negative binomial model is developed to investigate factors influencing crashes on freeways such as traffic flow, freeway alignment and pavement conditions. Since traditional fixed-effects models are incapable of capturing the heterogeneous effects of these factors on crash risk, a random-effects modeling method is introduced. Results indicate that the proposed random-effects negative binomial model has a better goodness-of-fit compared with its fixed-effects counterpart. In addition, the model explains the impact of the related factors on road safety in a more reasonable way. The interactions of the impact factors used in the model can be further studied by setting up the mean of a random parameter to be a functional form of other variables. It is found that traffic volume, length of road section, proportion of truck traffic, curvature, longitudinal grade and rutting depth are all positively correlated with crash frequency and 1% of increase in aforementioned variables increases the expected crash risk by 0.299%, 1.029%, 0.093%, 0.079%, 0.068%, and 0.054%, respectively. The pavement structural strength index is negatively correlated with crashes, and one percent of increase of the index will reduce the expected crash risk by 0.064%. Increasing the width of marginal strip is found to be beneficial to enhance safety. Three- or four-lane one-way freeway sections are found to experience more crashes than two-lane one-way freeway sections. It is also found that a segment with the combined alignment of curves and slopes is significantly more dangerous than a flat curved segment and the crash risk is considerably higher for downhill segments with a high proportion of truck flow.
Development of a Knowledge Base for Reasoning Penalty for Traffic Violations Based on Event Evolutionary Graph
WANG Cui, HU Haotian, DENG Sanhong
2022, 40(1): 36-44. doi: 10.3963/j.jssn.1674-4861.2022.01.005
Abstract(1538) HTML (735) PDF(112)
With continuous improvement of laws and regulations related to road safety in China, traffic police departments are required to issue different penalties for specific traffic violations. In response to the call and to improve the capacity of"intelligent governance", this article proposes to develop a knowledge base for traffic violations and accidents with event evolutionary graph, which can be used to reason appropriate penalty for traffic violations& accidents quickly and efficiently. This paper uses open-source data to develop the knowledge base required for processing traffic violations/accidents and creates an event evolutionary graph through extracting traffic events and their relationship. Moreover, a knowledge base system for traffic violations/accidents is developed. The experimental results show that the proposed system offers a F1 score of 0.832 when classifying traffic violations and accidents, which indicates that the event evolutionary graph is a good tool for reasoning the penalty of traffic violations and accidents.
A Timing Optimization Method for Signalized Intersections Considering the Courtesy Rules to Pedestrians
REN Yao, ZHANG Rui, JIA Qiannan
2022, 40(1): 45-53. doi: 10.3963/j.jssn.1674-4861.2022.01.006
Abstract(1139) HTML (590) PDF(84)
In order to improve the efficiency of signalized intersections under the consideration of the courtesy rules from vehicles to pedestrians, a timing optimization method based on superposition-phase is proposed. A typical intersection from Xi'an is taken as a case study. The conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians are analyzed. Based on Webster's timing model, a timing optimization model is developed, which combines superposition phase design and space-time separation strategy for reducing the conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians. In addition, the calculation methods for starting time of pedestrian phase and the threshold for adopting vehicle-pedestrian phase separation strategy are proposed. Then VISSIM simulation software is used to verify the effectiveness of the proposed signal timing optimization schemes. The simulation results show that compared to the current scheme, the scheme from the proposed timing optimization method can reduce the average vehicle delay, delay per capita, total vehicle delay, total pedestrian delay and total intersection delay by 27.11%, 22.41%, 27.08%, 22.49%, and 26.15%, respectively. In addition, it can also reduce the emissions of VOC, CO, NOx, and fuel consumption by 3.76%, 3.76%, 3.76%, and 3.78%, respectively. The proposed method can effectively reduce the vehicle-pedestrian conflicts and improve the efficiency of traffic operation at signalized intersections.
An Analysis of Visual Characteristics of Drivers Over Continuous Highway Tunnels
TANG Wenyun, DING Chunlu, PAN Yiyong, YANG Zhen
2022, 40(1): 54-62. doi: 10.3963/j.jssn.1674-4861.2022.01.007
Abstract(1247) HTML (565) PDF(150)
In order to improve traffic safety of highway segments with continuous tunnels, visual characteristics of drivers are analyzed. An experimentfor collecting characteristics of drivers'eye movement is designed in actual highway scenes. Eye movement data of 20 drivers, such as fixation, scanning, and pupil area change is collected with TobiiGlass2 and ErgoLAB data analytics tool. The visual characteristics of drivers inside different tunnels and at different sections are compared and analyzed. Study results show that the average view angle is higher in the first tunnel than that in the second tunnel in the horizontal direction, but it is opposite in the vertical direction. Average saccade time of the second tunnel is 47.75% shorter than that of the first tunnel. Average pupil diameter of the first tunnel is 7.89% larger than that of the second tunnel. Mean and variance of change rate of the pupil area at the entrance segment of the first tunnel are larger than that of the second tunnel. It can be concluded that when driving through the second tunnel over continuous highway tunnels, drivers' visual load isreduced, and visual stability is improved, when compared to those observed over the first tunnel.
A Detection Algorithm for the Fatigue of Ship Officers Based on Deep Learning Technique
WANG Peng, SHEN Helong, YIN Yong, LYU Hongguang
2022, 40(1): 63-71. doi: 10.3963/j.jssn.1674-4861.2022.01.008
Abstract(1275) HTML (784) PDF(122)
Aiming at preventing Officers on Watch (OOW) from fatigue driving, a fatigue detection and alert algorithm based on deep learning technique is developed. Considering the large space and complex background of the ship bridge, the RetinaFace model is improved by using Depthwise Separable Convolution to optimize the detection speed. An upgraded ShuffleNetV2 network is then developed by adopting the concepts of Channel Split, Channel Shuffle, and other techniques such as batch normalization and global average pooling. The proposed algorithm can extract image features and automatically identify the opening and closing of the eyes and mouth of the OOW. According to the PERCLOS criteria, the two features of the eyes and mouth are integrated to determine whether the OOW is fatigued. Experimental results show that the detection speed of the improved RetinaFace model improves from 9.33 to 22.60 frames/s. The detection accuracy and speed for the face detection are superior to the multi-task convolutional neural network. The upgraded ShuffleNetV2 network achieves over 99.50% accuracy in recognizing the states of eyes and mouth. The algorithm has an accuracy of 95.70% and a recall rate of 96.73% in identifying the fatigue state in a simulated ship bridge scenario, which are higher than Haar-like+Adaboost and MTCNN+CNN fatigue detection algorithmsused in practice. It only takes 0.083 s for the algorithm to complete the process, which indicates that the algorithm is capable of carrying out real-time detection.
Development of an Object Tracking Algorithm for Airports Using Adaptive Filter Update Technique
YANG Linfeng, MOU Rui, LI Xin, LI Wei
2022, 40(1): 72-79. doi: 10.3963/j.jssn.1674-4861.2022.01.009
Abstract(1146) HTML (502) PDF(28)
Tracking objects over airport surface is often hindered by the factors such as occlusion, background clutter and low resolution, which often result in reduced tracking accuracy or even loss of tracked objects. In order to mitigate the above problems, an object tracking algorithm for airports based on adaptive filter update is developed. First, the color and convolutional neural network feature of the tracking object are selected. Based on these features, multi-feature fusion is performed through an interpolation operator. Then, the fusion feature and its corresponding filter are convolved and summedin order to calculate the confidence level of each region.Theregion with a high confidence level is then identified as thelocation of the tracked object. By using the peak to side-lobe ratio and the average peak-to-correlation energy, a verification method is developed to improve the tracking accuracy. Furthermore, a self-adaptive updating algorithm is designed to adjust the learning rate of the filter and updated only when the results are reliable. According to the results obtained using a video dataset collected at an airport in Southwest China, the proposed algorithm has a better tracking performance when the object features change or are unclear, and the results also indicate the tracking performance is significantly improved under 9 different factors, such as occlusions and background clutter. The overall accuracy and success rate are 0.834 and 0.828 respectively, which are higher than that of the original ECO algorithm by 11.35% and 11.29%, and are superior to the other five classical algorithms.
Influences of Adverse Meteorological Micro-environment on Skid Resistance of Airport Pavement
XING Xiaoliang, WANG Xiaocun, ZHANG Yu, GAO Lixiao, FAN Zhaodong
2022, 40(1): 80-88. doi: 10.3963/j.jssn.1674-4861.2022.01.010
Abstract(722) HTML (378) PDF(37)
The performance and safety of airport pavement is affected by adverse meteorological micro-environment directly. On the basis of analyzing the function mechanism of adverse meteorological microenvironment, the correlation of key impact factors and friction coefficient under different meteorological micro-environment conditions are studied through pavement icing tests carried out in an environment chamber. The prediction models of the thickness of water film, snow, ice, and skid resistance of pavement are proposed. The results show that the friction coefficient of the pavement covered by thick ice is between 0.09 and 0.15, where skid resistance is the worst. Although thin ice & water-covered pavement, thick ice & water-covered pavement, and the pavement covered by thin ice have better skid resistance than the pavement covered by thick ice, they still cannot meet the requirements for safe operation of airplanes and working vehicles. In addition, the friction coefficient of snow-covered pavement is good and it usually ranges between 0.37 and 0.46, but such pavement may form a smooth surface under load pressure, which will seriously affect the traffic safety of airports. A relationship model between water film, snow, ice thickness, and skid resistance of airport pavement is developed through a multiple nonlinear regression analysis. It is found that the goodness of fit of the proposed model is greater than 0.8, which meets the requirements for the goodness-of-fit and significance test of regression analysis. It is believed that the models developed are useful for providing early warning for low skid resistance of airport pavement.
A Method for Evaluating Transfer Efficiency Between Bus and Subway Based on Data Envelopment Analysis
KONG Ning, WENG Jiancheng, SHI Qingshuai, LIU Zhe
2022, 40(1): 89-96. doi: 10.3963/j.jssn.1674-4861.2022.01.011
Abstract(983) HTML (432) PDF(71)
EEfficient transfer between bus and subway can enhance the integration of public transportation and the coverage of rail transit. To quantitatively evaluate the transfer efficiency between bus and subway, a set ofinitial evaluation indices are listed with a comprehensive consideration of the supply and demand side. The core indices are then selected by exploring the correlation between the evaluation indices through structural equation modeling and an evaluation index system for transfer efficiency of public transit in a multi-modal transportation network is established covering five aspects of transit routes: design, operation, connectivity, passenger flow, and network accessibility. Given the multi-input and multi-output feature of the evaluation system, data envelopment analysis is introduced to develop a quantitative evaluation model for quantifying the connectivity of public transit and to identify the indicators that hinder efficiency of transit transfer. The evaluation of connectionefficiency of public transit is carried out in three residential communities in Beijing, namely Huilongguan, Tiantongyuan, and Shangdi. Study results show that the efficiency of transit transfer can be quantified based on the proposed evaluation model at various time intervals, which is consistent with observed data. The bus routes with a lower connectivity can be improved by identifying related reasons and referring those routes with good indices
Forecasting Traffic Volume of Urban Logistics Drones in Low-altitude Airspace
REN Xinhui, WANG Jiaxue
2022, 40(1): 97-105. doi: 10.3963/j.jssn.1674-4861.2022.01.012
Abstract(1078) HTML (403) PDF(108)
In order to estimate the demand of urban parcel delivery using unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) and the corresponding traffic volume in low-altitude airspace, a method is proposed for predicting traffic volume of UAVs delivering parcels based on the consideration of the public's intention and a binary Logistic model. The demand of instant delivery using UAVs will be estimated by considering the public's intention and parcel labels(i.e. whether the package goes to domestic or foreign, whether it goes to urban or rural areas, whether the carrier is a drone, whether it is below a specific weight, etc.). A case study of five cities, including Guangzhou and Beijing, is completed to forecast the parcel volume that can be delivered by UAVs and the corresponding traffic volume of UAVs in the low-altitude airspace from 2025 to 2050. The results show that the accuracy of the prediction accuracy of the public's intention on UAV distribution is 81.7% and the demand of urban parcel delivery using UAVs will be on the rise from 2025 to 2050. The population of urban residents, economic development, the public's intention and other factors will affect the development of UAV-based parcel distribution. Study results show that the reliability of forecasting the demand of UAV delivery can be improved by taking account into the public's intention on UAV distribution and such predictions can be used to support the low-altitude airspace planning, in order to accommodate the rise of parcel delivery using UAVs.
Development and Classification of Lane-changing Graph Based on Multi-view Collaborative and Interactive Techniques
LONG Yan, HUANG Jianling1, ZHAO Xiaohua, LI Zhenlong
2022, 40(1): 106-115. doi: 10.3963/j.jssn.1674-4861.2022.01.013
Abstract(855) HTML (356) PDF(31)

This paper aims to intuitively display the details of drivers' visual perception and related driving behavior in the lane-changing process by developing a multi-view collaborative visualization-based lane-changing graph. Specifically, driving behavior data related to lane-changing process are extracted from a simulated expressway, which is carried out by a driving simulator. The lane-changing graph is developed by coordinating parallel coordinates, count diagram, and bar chart with lane-changing trajectory. Following the analysis of 40 data sets of lane-changing behavior using the multi-view technique and the criteria for qualified lane-changing area, the lane-changing behavior is then classified into"Qualified""Barely Qualified", and"Unqualified". Meanwhile, the reasons of the unqualified lane-changing processes are also studied. The results show that the proportions of"Qualified""Barely Qualified", and"Unqualified"processes are 10.00%, 12.50%, and 77.50% respectively. The average standard deviations of the turning speed of the steering wheel, acceleration, and lateral acceleration observed over the unqualified processes (6.57°; 0.91 m/s2;0.41 m/s2) are larger than those observed over the qualified processes (4.55°; 0.34 m/s2;0.17 m/s2). The reasons for showing unqualified processes are mainly twofold: excessive lateral acceleration due to a large turning angle of the steering wheel and excessive change of longitudinal acceleration due to inappropriate operation of the gas panel. In general, the lane-changing graph can analyze and diagnose the lane-changing process accurately, which can provide supports for optimizing driver behavior in the lane-changing process.

Classification of Driving Style Using Simplified Features of Headway Under the Connected Vehicles Environment
LYU Nengchao, GAO Jinjin, WANG Weifeng, WANG Yugang
2022, 40(1): 116-125. doi: 10.3963/j.jssn.1674-4861.2022.01.014
Abstract(1025) HTML (541) PDF(58)

Based on current data collection techniques from connected vehicles, this paper aims to classify driving styles(i.e., driving habits or behavior)by analyzing driving modes which is defined as time headway in 3 s. Specifically, driving modes are quantitatively classified by time headway and typical driving modes reflecting each driving style are identified according to the calibrated driving styles. Evaluation score is assigned to each typical driving mode using a fuzzy classification method and the thresholds of each driving style is proposed based on the evaluation scores and the calibrated driving styles. The thresholds are applied to a test data set, which includes driving behavior data of 44 drivers, to verify the accuracy of the proposed method. In summary, three types of driving styles are identified: the evaluation score S < 64.67 is seen as the conservative driving style(CDS), the score 64.67 ≤ S < 181.20 is classified as the"regular"(that is, neither-conservation-nor-aggressive(NCNA))driving style; and the score S ≥ 181.20 is grouped into the aggressive driving style(ADS). Study results show that the accuracy of the proposed method against the testing data set is 85.7%. The proposed method uses simplified driving parameters (headway)for driving-style classification, which provides a new way for driving-style classification.

Effects of Information from Connected Vehicles and Infrastructure on Driving Behavior of Young Drivers at Urban Intersections
ZHAI Junda, LU Guangquan, CHEN Facheng, LIU Miaomiao
2022, 40(1): 126-134. doi: 10.3963/j.jssn.1674-4861.2022.01.015
Abstract(1020) HTML (499) PDF(73)

This paper aims to investigate the effects ofthe existence and content of information from connected vehicles and infrastructure (CVI) ondriving workload and behavior of young drivers at signalized and non-signalized intersections. Driving simulationsfor such intersectionsin urban areas are developed, in which 26 young drivers aged between 22 and 30 are involved. The results show that: such information can significantly reduce the workload of young driversand the increase in heart rate reduced by 1.95 beats/min for signalized intersections and 2.96 beats/min or 3.29 beats/min for non-signalized intersections, respectively. In addition, such information can significantly reduce the response time for braking actions of young drivers with 2.35 s at signalized intersections and 2.71 s or 2.09 s at non-signalized intersections respectively. It is also found that it can improve the stability of vehicles in reducing the standard deviations of vehicle speed by 31.33% for signalized intersections and 47.40% or 60.23% for non-signalized intersections, respectively. In addition, when thered phase of the vehicle moving direction at signalized intersections is about to end, the command information from CVI can significantly reduce the response time of young drivers by 3.47s, and the standard deviation of vehicle speed by 39.10%, compared to the effectiveness of regular instruction information.

A Study on the Impact of Immersion Levels of Non-driving-related Tasks on Takeover Behavior
WANG Yanfeng, CHEN Haolin, ZHAO Xiaohua, LI Haijian, LI Zhenlong, FU Qiang
2022, 40(1): 135-143. doi: 10.3963/j.jssn.1674-4861.2022.01.016
Abstract(862) HTML (419) PDF(53)

This study aims to study the effects of high, medium, and low levels of immersion of non-driving-related (NDR)tasks on the takeover behavior under automated driving. Test scenarios are developed using a driving simulator. There are four takeover scenarios developed based on the task of non-driving-related activity(entertainment and work task)and time to collision(5 s and 10 s). To collect data on takeover behavior, volunteer drivers are recruited for a driving simulation. In order to measure takeover behavior, four metrics are used: speed, lateral deviation, responding time, and takeover correct time(TCT). The results show that: ①the vehicle speed decreases as the immersion level of NDR tasks decreases, and the deceleration rate increases after taking over the vehicle. When the time to collision is 5 s, the level of immersion of NDR tasks significantly affects lateral deviation. ②When the time to collision is 10s, the level of immersion of NDR tasks has a weaker significance on the takeover response time (p =0.056 < 0.1), and it decreases as the immersion level increases(low immersion level=3.94 s; medium immersion level=3.45 s; high immersion level=3.21 s). A significant difference between the level of immersion of NDR task and the time of takeover has been found(time to collision 5s: p =0.031 < 0.05;time to collision 10 s: p =0.019 < 0.05). That is, the time for takeover decreases as the level of immersionofNDR tasks increases. ③ With the same NDR task, the takeover responding time decreases as the immersion level increases. According to the results of statistical analysis, the interaction between NDR tasks and their immersion level does not affect the response time for takeover significantly, however, it does affect the TCT.

An End-to-end Decision-making Method for Autonomous Driving Based on Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient with Discrete
YANG Lu, WANG Yiquan, LIU Jiaqi, DUAN Yulin, ZHANG Ronghui
2022, 40(1): 144-152. doi: 10.3963/j.jssn.1674-4861.2022.01.017
Abstract(1227) HTML (610) PDF(65)

There are issues for the decision support method for automated driving based on reinforcement learning, such as low learning efficiency and non-continuous actions. Therefore, an end-to-end decision-making method for autonomous driving is developed based on the Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient with Discrete (TD3WD)algorithm, which can be used to fuse the information from different action spaces over a network. In the network of traditional Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient(TD3)algorithm, an additional Q network that outputs discrete actions is added to assist exploration training. Weighted fusion of the output actions of TD3 network and additional Q network is performed. The fused actions interact with the environment, in order to fully explore the environment and enhance the efficiency of the environment exploration. When the Critic network is updated, the output of the attached network is merged into the target actions as noise to encourage the agent to explore the environment and obtain better action estimates. Instead of the original images, image feature obtained from the pre-trained network is used as the state input to reduce the computational cost in the training process. The proposed model is tested under a set of simulated autonomous driving scenarios generated by Carla simulation platform. The results show that the convergence speed of the proposed method is about 30% higher than that of traditional reinforcement learning algorithms like TD3 and Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient(DDPG)under the training scenarios. Under the testing scenarios, the proposed method shows better convergent performances and the average rate of lane-crossing and the change rate of steering angle are reduced by 74.4% and 56.4% respectively.

A Field Study for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Vehicle Collision Warning Systems
XU Tian, GAO Jianqiang, LIU Jianbei, ZHAO Chaojie, LIU Guotu
2022, 40(1): 153-161. doi: 10.3963/j.jssn.1674-4861.2022.01.018
Abstract(888) HTML (379) PDF(42)

Advanced driver assistance systems have been widely installed on various types of vehicles. To study the effectiveness of the collision warning systems, a field test was conducted on real-world expressways. A group of 15 vehicles underwent a comparative test equipped with or without the system. During the testing, a method for evaluating the effectiveness of the early warning system has been proposed from the following three aspects: interactions between vehicles, safety risk, and acceptance of the driver. Study results show that, at the microscopic level, under the scenarios that the vehicles are equipped with the system, when accidents take place during car-following and lane-changing for overtaking action, the average time headway (THW) observed increases by 0.37 s and 0.34 s, respectively. It is also found that using the system has a significant impact on the THW (p < 0.05). In contrast, at the mesoscopic level, the frequency of the above two types of accidents drops by 16.0% and 23.7%, respectively, as a result of early warning provided by the system. The dispersion degree of the vehicle speed in the group is also found to decrease significantly. The questionnaire survey shows that 86.7% of drivers will take safety measures after receiving the warningfrom the system, and 73.3% of drivers agree that the early warning system improves road safety.

Feature Selection for Recognition of Driving Styles Based on Multi-Classification and Supervised Learning
WANG Xu, MA Fei, LIAO Xiaoling, JIANG Peiyu, ZHANG Wei, WANG Fang
2022, 40(1): 162-168. doi: 10.3963/j.jssn.1674-4861.2022.01.019
Abstract(1086) HTML (413) PDF(75)

Traffic accidents are strongly correlated with driving style, and driving style can be intuitively represented by driving behavior. In order to further advance understanding of the relationship between driving behavior and driving style, this paper explores thedifferences between driving styles and identifies factors that affect the classification. A driving-style recognition model is then proposed and evaluated. Based on the experimental data from connected vehicles, a K-means++ algorithm is proposed and used to classify data of driving behavior under different driving styles and a support vector machine-recursive feature elimination(SVC-RFE)and a random forest-recursive feature elimination(RF-RFE)algorithm are used to rank the importance of features of driving behavior. A classification model for driving styles based on neural network and the above selected features is developed. The results show that: ①when the number of selected features is set as n = 6, the correct ranking rate of both feature ranking algorithms is above 85% and the correct rate of the RF-RFEalgorithm is up to 90%.②The indicator with the highest importance in feature ranking is the maximum speed, and its difference among the three driving style groups is up to 10 m/s. ③When only the maximum speed is used as input, the accuracy of the driving-style recognition model is 86.1% and therefore, it can be concluded that maximum speed can effectively distinguish driving styles.