2016 No. 4

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2016, 34(4) doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2016.04.001
Abstract(237) PDF(1)
Trajectory Optimization of Continuous Descent Approach (CDA)by a Gauss Pseudospectral Method
GONG Fengxun, YUAN Kejian, MA Yanqiu
2016, 34(4): 15-21. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2016.04.003
Abstract(368) PDF(1)
Aiming at optimizing trajectory problems of linear continuous descent approach (CDA)of the aircrafts with a constant gliding angle,a Bolza optimal control problem (OCP)is converted into a nonlinear programming problem by the Gauss pseudospectral method under different flap states of aircrafts,resulting in an optimized time of CDA trajec-tories.A dynamic model of CDA is established,where state variables of flight position and control variables of trajectory angle are determined,and performance measure of minimizing landing time is proposed.B737-800 aircrafts are selected for a case study.GPOPS algorithm is used to optimize trajectory via the Gauss pseudospectral method,within the landing areas and flying areas and the position of top of descent (TOD)and the curve of speed control are determined.Compared with other algorithms for computing CDA trajectory,the Gauss pseudospectral method has several advantages.This stud-y analyzes the approaching state of 1 7 CDA trajectories and 1 traditional trajectory in landing areas.The results show that compared with traditional stepped approaching trajectory,the landing time of CDA trajectory computed by Gauss pseudospectral method decreases by 1 6.67%.Simulation results verified that the CDA trajectory optimized by Gauss pseudospectral method can reduce landing time and improve accuracy of track forecast and efficiency of flight control sys-tems.
An Uncertainty Analysis of Arrival Aircraft Schedule Based on Monte-Carlo Simulation
ZHOU Yufan, HU Minghua, ZHANG Ying, GAO Mengyu
2016, 34(4): 22-28. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2016.04.004
Abstract(243) PDF(2)
In order to improve the robustness of sequencing of arrival aircrafts in terminal areas against unexpected disturbances,ensure the efficiency of flights and reduce the delays,multiple constraints in terminal areas are considered and a scheduling algorithm for arrival aircrafts is proposed.With an analysis on the critical uncertainty factors related to arrival aircrafts,a scheduling model based on multi-objective stochastic expected value is constructed,which minimizes total flight delays and regulatory interventions.For solving this optimization problem,a Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II)is designed,using the elitist strategy for Pareto optimal solution search.A Monte-Carlo simulation is applied to study the statistical characteristics of the random variables related to the operation conditions of flights,and evaluate the objective function via its expected values through a random simulation procedure.Pareto frontier fitting curves for a range of Uncertainty Buffer are plotted.As a numerical simulation and verification for the proposed algo-rithm,the data of arrival aircrafts during typical periods in terminal areas of Guangzhou International Airport are collect-ed.Using this proposed model with multiple thresholds for Uncertainty Buffer,it turns out to provide reasonable propos-als for balancing flight delays and controller interventions.In particular,it can reduce flight delays by 32.4% at a maxi-mum.The results imply that the proposed method can effectively reduce flight delays in busy airports and enhance the ro-bustness of aviation services.
A Study on Path Selection of Arrival Flow at Airport Landing Areas
GAO Wei, YE Zhijian, CHEN Chen
2016, 34(4): 29-36. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2016.04.005
Abstract(244) PDF(3)
It is subjective to manage path selection of arrival flights on basis of the controllers′experiences.In terms of path selection and scheduling of arrival flights in the landing areas,a mathematical model aiming at shortest total com-pletion time is thus developed based on time window and position constraints.This model uses a loop optimization,i.e., select a path then schedule a flight.By combining Tabu search (TS)algorithm and a scheduling algorithm,two new algo-rithms are proposed as Tabu Search-First Come First Service (TS-FCFS)and Tabu Search-Dynamic Programming (TS-DP).Neighborhood structure based on critical paths is created,and an effective RESTAR strategy is included to acceler-ate the convergence towards the optimal solution.A simulation platform (SIMMOD)is used to verify the feasibility of these algorithms.For a case study of 21 flights in Beijing Capital International Airport,simulation results show that com-pared with the path planning based on controllers′experiences,the TS-FCFS and TS-DP algorithms can reduce the total time for path selection by 149 s and 1 75 s respectively.These algorithms provide efficient path selection with reduced arri-val time for arrival flights in the landing areas.Optimizations of path selection and scheduling can not only balance the runway load,but also reduce the potential conflicts of the arrival flights.These algorithms should provide the controllers with reasonable and effective recommendations for path selection.
An Analysis of Influences of Psychological Quality on Performance of Civil Aviation Pilots in Training
LI Shu
2016, 34(4): 37-43,120. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2016.04.006
Abstract(267) PDF(3)
In this paper,the influences of the psychological quality on the performance of aviation pilots in training are quantitatively analyzed by existing psychological evaluation systems.As the structural equation model is well-suited for a global analysis of complex interactions as well as quantitative analysis of their strength,therefore it is appropriate to apply the model to analyze the relationship between psychological quality and corresponding performance,in order to solve the dilemma arising in both integral analysis and quantitative measurement.Taking advantage of the merit that this model can be optimized,a more reliable quantitative analysis is achieved through optimizing the indicators of psychological quality.The results indicate that either the fit index (CMIN/DF=1.1 71)or the reliability index (Cronbachα=0.799)is superior to those in the original model,which in turn validates the success of the proposed model.Moreover,this model can quantitatively evaluate the path coefficient as well,which shows that the emotional quotient (EQ)has a significant impact onto both theoretical performance (the path coefficient is 0.87)and flight performance (the path coefficient is 0.66), while has a medium relevance (the path coefficient is 0.59)with the crisis response.The emotional quotient is part of the decisive factors for psychological quality,and abundant attention should be paid for the psychological selection of aviation pilots in training.It should be noted,however,that,this model is not applicable in real-time scenario,due to the limita-tion of its static nature.
An Analysis on Risk Factors of Controller Fatigue Based on Entropy Weight Method and DEMATEL
SUN Ruishan, MA Guangfu
2016, 34(4): 44-49,95. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2016.04.007
Abstract(271) PDF(2)
The aim of this paper is to analyze fatigue factors of controllers quantitatively,and study the main rea-sons of controller′s fatigue and related fatigue relieving countermeasures.An index system of fatigue factors of controllers is established based on their personal,environmental,and managerial aspect.The method of Entropy Weight and deci-sion-making and trial evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL)are used together to develop a mathematical model where the entropy weight value is computed through the entropy weight method,and the impact level of indicators determined by DEMATEL method is used to change the entropy weight value.Then combination weight and essential factors leading to controller fatigue are developed.According to DEMATEL method,the causal factors (which affected by others)and the consequent factors (which affect others)are classified.The results show that the combination weight of workload,health status,shifting systems and sleep with higher weight value are the main reasons to controller fatigue,which is 0.204 2, 0.1 52 0,0.146 9 and 0.1 10 3 respectively.Shifting system is the consequent factor,workload,health and sleep status are the causal factors.The entropy and DEMATEL model not only provides a reference for quantitatively analysis of control-ler fatigue,but also points out the direction of implementing fatigue risk management in air traffic control organization.
An Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Model for Safety Risk in Air Traffic Control Based on Matter Element Analysis
ZHANG Xiaoyan, HAN Songchen, YANG Changqi
2016, 34(4): 50-56. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2016.04.008
Abstract(247) PDF(1)
In order to ensure aviation safety and scientifically evaluate the risks in air traffic control (ATC),a fuzzy synthetic evaluation model for risk assessment in ATC is established based on the matter element theory.The hazards in ATC are identified and classified according to Safety Management Manual issued by the International Civil Aviation Or-ganization (ICAO).An indicator system and a set of classes of effective factors and the corresponding degrees of hazards in ATC are determined.The weight of each hazard is calculated by the matter element theory,eliminating the limitation of subjectivity in experts′evaluation.Furthermore,the weight assignment is improved.After that,a multilevel fuzzy syn-thetic evaluation method is proposed to evaluate the risks in ATC.On the basis of statistics and analysis to the hazard data in ATC of a coastal sub-bureau of air traffic management (ATM)in 2012 – 2014,the risks are evaluated.The results in-dicate that the degree of impact of first-level,second-level,and third-level membership of hazards are 0.291 3,0.495 1, 0.213 6,respectively.The degree of impact in this sub-bureau lies at second-level.The results are consistent with the ac-tual operations.Thus the practicability and effectiveness of the proposed method is verified.
An Analysis of Hard Landing Events in Civil Aviation Based on an Improved Bow-Tie Model
LIU Junjie, ZHANG Lijuan
2016, 34(4): 57-62. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2016.04.009
Abstract(483) PDF(13)
In order to thoroughly analyze hard landing events of civil flights in China,and provide practical preven-tion measures,an improved Bow-Tie model is proposed.This model classifies all causes of hard landing events into the following four aspects:human,machine,environment,and management and statistically quantifies them.The causes and consequences of 262 hard landing events are analyzed,with which preventive and reducing measures are developed.An improved Bow-Tie diagram of hard landing events is established.A hard landing and tail-skid collision of Hebei Airlines in 201 6 is selected as a case study.The results show that the improved Bow-Tie diagram covers all possible causes and con-sequences of hard landing events,and can provide targeted measures for prevention and control.Therefore,it can serve as a reference for prevention and risk management of hard landing events.
An Investigation of Automation Induced Active Failures in Flight Operations
Martin BRENNAN, LI Wenchin
2016, 34(4): 63-69. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2016.04.010
Abstract(217) PDF(2)
The objective of this study is to examine the effects of active failures involving cockpit automation in the descent phase of flight.Since NASA′s Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS)database provides a broad insight into the type of factors reported by flight crews,a piece of content analysis software is used to hone the search parameters to the prominently feature event components in the ASRS reports.It is determined that the study should focus on automa-tion/autopilot issues occurring in the descent phase of flights.Study results provide an insight into the effects of automa-tion related issues on flight crew.The key findings are that automation related events occurred more often on Airbus than Boeing aircrafts,while mechanical related events occurred more often on Boeing.Further,Boeing aircrafts are more likely to be involved in events where violations and decision errors occur.Crew Resource Management (interactions amongst the flight crew)is significantly unlikely to act as a precursor to skill-based and decision errors.Of the two manufacturers-Air-bus and Boeing-the results suggest that active failures are more likely to occur on Boeing aircrafts.The evidence,howev-er,indicates that automation is least likely to act as a precursor fault which results in active failures.
Iterative Designs of Onboard Context-Sensitive Information System (OCSIS)for Commercial Aircrafts
TAN Wei, Guy A.BOY
2016, 34(4): 70-77. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2016.04.011
Abstract(241) PDF(1)
Pilots use paper-based documentation and electronic systems to guide them following the procedures to ensure safety,efficiency and comfort on commercial aircrafts.The Onboard Context-Sensitive Information System (OC-SIS)is developed to provide operational information on flight,system,performance,and navigation in normal,abnormal and emergency situations.Its content is organized using a hyperlinked three-layer information structure:need-to-know or safety-critical information (Level 1);nice-to-know (Level 2);and need-to-be-understood (Level 3).The claim is that the use of contextual information facilitates access to appropriate operational content at the right time either automatically or on demand.OCSIS is tested using human-in-the-loop (HITL)simulations that involve professional pilots in the simulator. Preliminary results are encouraging because they show that OCSIS is useful for accessing operational information and pro-viding additional features that paper-based documents do not have.
A Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Method to Visual Fatigue for X-Ray Machine Operators
WANG Yanqing, LIU Yuanyuan
2016, 34(4): 78-84,111. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2016.04.012
Abstract(200) PDF(1)
Visual fatigue of X-ray machine operators is investigated in order to understand the intensity of their workload,and provide a reliable method for a comprehensive,objective and synthetic evaluation of fatigue level.Based on a complex system of human-machine-environment-management,features of visual fatigue resulting from search processes are analyzed.According to its characteristics,3 first-level indices are established,including visual fatigue,mental fatigue, and local muscle fatigue.Then 1 9 second-level indices are also designed.A model based on fuzzy synthetic evaluation of second-level indices is developed to comprehensively evaluate visual fatigue of X-ray machine operators.Analytic hierarchy process (AHP)is used to determine the weight of first-level and second-level indices in this evaluation.Data for evaluation matrices in this model is collected through 100 valid questionnaires.Using this fuzzy distribution method,evaluation re-sults of second-level indices are:the high or severe fatigue ratio of operators in vision system,neural system,and local muscle is 54.9%,50.2% and 49%,respectively.The corresponding results of first-level indices are 63% of the X-ray ma-chine operators,indicating a high or severe state of fatigue.According to the principle of maximum membership degree, the maximum degree of membership of first-level indices is 0.44,and the X-ray machine operators of this airport are in a state of high fatigue overall.
The Mechanism of Internal Control to Aviation Safety:Safety Culture Based on Mediation Effect
TIAN Lijun, XU Yuanyuan
2016, 34(4): 85-89,120. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2016.04.013
Abstract(179) PDF(2)
Aviation safety is always the top priority of civil aviation industry.52 airlines in China are selected as a case study in this paper.Relevant data are collected by a questionnaire survey.A model based on the hierarchical regres-sion analysis is established to investigate the interaction among internal control,safety culture and aviation safety.Study results show that internal control and safety culture have significant positive effects on aviation safety.High quality of in-ternal control can restrain aviation incidents.Safety culture has a partial mediating effect on the function between internal control and aviation safety.A systematic organization and promotion of safety norms,internal control,and safety culture is crucial for the enhancement of the level of safety of the civil aviation industry.
A De-noising Method of Airborne Location Data Based on the Improved Wavelet Decomposition
LU Chaoyang, FU Yuxiao, YANG Lulu
2016, 34(4): 90-95. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2016.04.014
Abstract(213) PDF(1)
The accuracy of airborne longitude,latitude,and altitude data is of significant importance for aircraft po-sitioning and flight safety.A de-noising method of wavelet decomposition based on empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is proposed.The airborne position data are decomposed by EMD and wavelet decomposition is applied for the process of noise reduction for high-frequency component.The reconstructed data are thus obtained by combining low-frequency com-ponent with noise-reduced high-frequency component.Airborne altitude time series data during a cruise phase of one flight from Xi′an to Changchun is collected for a case study.Compared with traditional wavelet de-noising methods,the simula-tion results show that the signal to noise ratio (SNR)is improved by 0.649,and the root mean square error (RMSE)is reduced by 0.696 9 through using this improved method.The noise cancellation effect is found to be highly desired.This improved method of wavelet decomposition appears to be effective in the processing of airborne location data and provides more accurate 3D representation of aircraft paths.
A Study on Approval Certification of GLS in Air Traffic Control System
GONG Fengxun, HAN Ming, MA Yanqiu
2016, 34(4): 96-103. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2016.04.015
Abstract(155) PDF(1)
According to the principles for certifying air traffic control (ATC)system and management cycle of ATC projects,a life-cycle management model of ATC system of Civil Aviation in China is developed.Criteria of approval certi-fication in United States and Europe are summarized in this paper and the framework behind them is presented.Take this finding as a reference,a criterion and its framework of safety assessment based on GBAS landing system (GLS)of Civil Aviation Administration of China is developed.The certification process for this new framework is presented and it in-cludes three major phrases:design review of a system,test for equipment performance,and field test for operation.From the perspective of operational safety,hierarchy and content,the approval process for the certification is analyzed and the quality of GLS is standardized.This proposed method can ensure a comprehensive and systematical approval process for the certification of GLS from design,and operation,which will eventually ensure the certified system meeting the require-ment of safety performance in the field according to the criteria of certification process of GLS in China.
A Flight Management System of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
TIAN Feng, TANG Xinmin, LI Bo, XU Feng
2016, 34(4): 104-111. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2016.04.016
Abstract(226) PDF(8)
Currently,no administrative procedure is in place for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which poses a serious threat to aviation security.In order to ensure the safety of using UAVs,it is important to supervise the activities of UAVs through a flight plan management system.Hereby such a system is proposed in this paper.Based on the analysis of basic components,expression model and life cycle of a flight plan,this management system consists of three modules:planning processing,planning verification,and planning execution.The module of planning processing re-ports and audits flight plans of UAVs;the module of planning verification verifies the performance of flight plans via the data of airspace,geographic,and weather;the module of planning execution monitors the progress of flight plans and the flight states.A demonstration run shows that the system can effectively manage flight plans of UAVs,simulate corre-sponding flying tracks and execute real-time monitoring.
Application of Systematic Management in the Oversight of China Civil Aviation Safety
SUN Hao, LI Jicheng
2016, 34(4): 112-120. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2016.04.017
Abstract(148) PDF(1)
Since 1 995,the Chinese civil aviation industry in China has experienced a sustainable and speedy growth. Therefore,a more efficient and effective oversight to industry safety is in demand.For this purpose,the tools for safety audit and assessment have been developed by Civil Aviation Administration of China.The tools were developed on the ba-sis of a core principle of systematic management.The data that related to safe operations and supporting capabilities were collected from airlines,airports,and air traffic controllers.The tools have functions as visualization,comparison,analy-sis and statistics of safety information for individual organization,multiple organizations,as well as the entire industry. During the 6-year practice in safety audits and assessment since 2007,1 7 airlines,1 71 airports,and 42 air traffic control-lers have been audited with the tools.Moreover,230 quantitative assessment reports have been released and 8 589 safety risks have been identified.The 6-year practice indicates that these tools are effective in identifications of safety risks.It al-so indicates that the tools can be provided with decision support for industry-wide safety oversight.Finally,the possible improvements are also presented based on analyzing the deficiencies of safety audit and assessment tools.
An Integrated Fuzzy Evaluation of Level of Safety Culture at Civil Airports
DU Hongbing, GAO Dalei
2016, 34(4): 121-126. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2016.04.018
Abstract(138) PDF(1)
Evaluation of the level of safety culture for civil airports is considered an effective approach to maintain the sustainable and safe development of civil aviation in China.In order to propose an evaluation system of safety culture of civil airports,a systematic analysis is firstly introduced;then by considering the accidents and features of civil airports and referring the Enterprise Safety Culture Construction Guide and Enterprise Safety Culture Evaluation Criteria ,and other civil aviation regulations,the evaluation measures of safety culture at civil airports are determined.A survey among staffs at airport operational departments is carried out.The responses from inspectors in airports and experts of safety culture are considered.To optimize the evaluation systems and determine the weights of all measurements,the Analytic Network Process method available in the software package of Super Decisions is used.Meanwhile,a case study of one civil airport in North China by using an integrated fuzzy evaluation is introduced.The evaluation results indicated that the score of safety culture in this airport is 77.7,which is at the level of active safety [70-85).The results of this study demon-strate that attitude and understanding to the safety among the airport staff is the core of safety culture.The evaluation model proposed in this study is of a great value and could be further implemented for evaluating safety culture in civil air-ports.
2016, 34(4): 127-128. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2016.04.020
Abstract(179) PDF(1)
An Overview and Prospect of Civil Aviation Safety in China
SUN Ruishan, WANG Lei, LIU Junjie
2016, 34(4): 1-5,69. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2016.04.001
Abstract(319) PDF(1)
This study aims at systematically describing the evolvement of civil aviation safety in China.With a rapid growth,its level of safety has been continuously improved in the past 30 years.The serious-accident rate per one million flight hours decreased from 5.42 in the period of"Sixth Five-year Plan"(1 981 – 1 985)to 0.018 in the period of"Twelve Five-year Plan" (201 1 – 201 5).In recent 10 years (2006 – 201 5),this indicator is about 0.018 in China,well below the World average level of 0.24,which is more than 13 times of that of China.This paper summarizes the achievements of the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)in the following aspects:safety notion,methods and techniques,safety management,and government supervision.This paper also provides analysis and perspective of issues and challenges re-lated to civil aviation safety in China,including increasing shortage of airspace,service of new large aircrafts designed in China,management for low-altitude airspace,increased civil aviation,and ineffectiveness of safety management.
A Review and Prospect on Prospective Memory Failures of Pilots
JI Ming, CHEN Xingxing, ZHOU Chenchen, GOU Mingxia
2016, 34(4): 6-14. doi: 10.3963/j.issn1674-4861.2016.04.002
Abstract(236) PDF(0)
As a core cognitive ability of individuals,prospective memory has an important effect on the intension and behavior of pilots and is therefore critical for aviation safety.In order to better understand the mechanisms for pro-spective memory failure and corresponding intervention measures,this paper reviews typical environment when pilots′prospective memory failure takes place and its impact on aviation safety;describes the research directions and methods in the field of the fundamental cognitive studies;summaries the related research methodologies,content and findings in the field of aviation safety.By analyzing current studies and existing issues,together with the development of related technol-ogies,targets to behavioral characteristics and physiological mechanism of prospective memory failure,this review points out the directions and trends for future studies.